Kitz Alps Trophy
The Kitz Alps Trophy is a really cool tournament series that is held in Tyrol and Salzburg. There are a total of 10 tournaments in 10 different clubs.
The Kitz Alps Trophy is a really cool tournament series that is held in Tyrol and Salzburg. There are a total of 10 tournaments in 10 different clubs.
At the end of the season, both the overall winner in the individual ranking and the overall winner in the club ranking are crowned. The winner of each day will receive one of these mega cool headcovers. If you haven't taken part in one of the tournaments yet, you definitely have to do so soon. Absolutely recommendable.
Wir machen das perfekte Golf Headcover für deinen Anlass. Völlig individuell und 100% deinen Wünschen entsprechend.
Ob als Startgeschenk für die Teilnehmer bei einem Golfturnier, als Preis für den Gewinner deine Golfturniers oder als kreatives Geschenk für deine Freunde und Familienmitglieder, wir haben das optimale Headcover für jeden Anlass.
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